Hello beautiful world out there.

I am so excited to write this, my first blog.

It has been a long time in the making and now is the perfect time to share my thoughts with you.

The theme for this blog today is Perfect Love Cast Out All Fear.

It is so meaningful, more than ever before, as the world truly needs to love more and fear less.

When love is perfected, fear has to leave.

Fear, you see, is always shadowed by hate and hate induces annihilation.

I refer to this as the Fear, Hatred and Annihilation effect (FHA).   

Love is the opposite.

It elicits courage, which fosters kindness and allowance.

I call this the Courage Kindness and Allowance response (CKA).

Fear debilitates and makes one cowardly but, love strengthens and makes one brave.

Fear demands conformity, love embraces differences.

Fear excludes, love simply includes.

So, the next time you feel intense fear and you are triggered to react with the FHA effect, remember to choose the CKA response.

Then, you will make this world a more safe and loving place.



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